Africa welcomes Facebook
According to information provided by the internet project the social network facebook acquires still strong growth rates, especially in some African countries like Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria.
“Although every African citizen may not have Internet access for over a decade, African digital opportunities are rapidly expanding”, writes Tim Katlic, the founder of
Over the last 18 months there has been an 50 percent increase in Kenya up to about 1,3 million users. For Ghana the data shows a plus of 85 percent to 1,1 million users. Nigeria sees a growth rate of 154 percent to 4,4 million registered facebook friends.
Only in two countries there are more registered facebook users than in Nigeria, says South Africa counts 4,8 million users, and Egypt is the number one of african social network countries with 9,4 million facebook users.
See the full report at oAfrica: “Facebook user growth rates in africa“
Have a look at the statistics: “African facebook index by nation“
Basic Information by the BBC: “What is facebook“
The Economist on the historical impact of social media: “How Luther went viral“
Africa might also be in line to produce the next Mark Zuckerberg