Racially you’re human, culturally you’re black”, sagt Rachel Dolezans Sohn zu seiner Mutter.
critical whiteness, Rachel Dolezal, Rassismus, USAAuthor Archives: Eufrika.org
“We can produce enough to feed ourselves” – a Sankarist approach for sovereign and sustainable food security by David Drengk…
autarky, Burkina Faso, food security, food sovereignty, sankarist approach, sustainable food securityThis article was originally written in Arabic by Omar Elhady and published in Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper on September 19, 2014….
Egypt, Human Rights, Ibrahim Bassem, Mostafa Alhosseiny Prize, Omar Elhady, refugees, social injusticeBy Prof. Ton Dietz A delegation of the ‘Africa in the World’ research group of the African Studies Centre in…
africa, African Studies Centre Leiden, Al-Jazeera, Development Aid, development cooperation, geopolitics, Qatar, Qatar Foundation, Sheikh Eid Bin Mohammad Al-Thani, the Netherlandss, Ton DietzZur Diskursiven Debatte europäischer Kolonialherrschaft am Beispiel Deutschlands Von Fanny Lüskow 1 Einleitung2 Begriffsannäherung2.1 Kolonialismus2.2 Postkolonialismus3 Kolonialherrschaft des Deutschen Reiches4…
Deutsches Reich, Diskursive Debatte, Europäische Kolonialherrschaft, Imperialismus, Kolonisation. Kolonialismus, Kwame Nkrumah, Neokolonialismus, Post-Kolonialismus, Rassismusby Lorenzo Fioramonti In the past few years, there has been much talk about “Africa rising”. In late 2011, The…
Africa rising, economy, GDP, Lorenzo FiaoramontiDie Maker-Bewegung ist heute mehr als ein neuer Trend zum Basteln und Selbermachen. Sie hat auch das Potential, die Wirtschaft…
african maker, Afrikas Maker, Chika Okafor, Maker Faire Africa, utopia.deVon Daniel Koßmann 1. Einführung Als der kenianische Autor Binyavanga Wainana im Januar dieses Jahres sich mutig entschloss im Alter…
Academia, Kenia, LGBTI-QFrom international filmmakers, to national film industries, to individuals with iPhones, Africa in film is inspiring growing audiences across and…
African cinema, African Feilm Festivals, African Film, Big Men, Buni Films, Chora Chora, Gollywood, Grey Matter, Hillywood, LGBTI-Q, Mandela The Myth and Me, Nollywood, Routes to My Rootz, The Magic Bullet, Thembi MutchBoth the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Climate Summit have taken place at the UN this week, writes…
By Deogracias Benjamin Kalima, Blantyre Richard Msowoya of the opposition Malawi Congress Party has been elected Speaker of Malawi National…
Deogracias Benjamin Kalima, elections, Malawi, Malawi National Assembly, presidential elections, Richard MsowoyaThis is the irony of being Kenyan. That we call ourselves a nation fighting terror for the sake of national…
Betty Waitherero, discrimination, East-Africa, Ethnic Profiling, Gikomba Market blast, Incredible Kenya, Journalists for Justice, Jubilee regime, Kenya, Kenyan Somali, refugees, security, Somali, terroristsArthur Peter Mutharika of Democratic Progressive Party was sworn in as Malawi’s fifth president on Saturday morning following the official…
Banda, elections, Malawi, MutharikaWith defeat on the horizon and her main rival about to win, President Joyce Banda has announced the nullification of…
Joyce Banda, Lazarous Chakwera, Malawi, Peter Mutharika, presidential electionsMalawi’s first tripartite polls were generally peaceful but in some areas violent protests overshadowed the elections. Voters were infuriated by…
Atupele Muluzi, Bingu wa Mutharika, Blantyre, DPP, election, Joyce Banda, Lazarus Chakwera, local council, Malawi, MCP, National Assembly, parliament, Peter Mutharika, PP, UDFBy Rafael Verbuyst When Nelson Mandela created a milestone piece of post-apartheid legislation by officially mandating the establishment of a…
African National Congress (ANC), Amnesty, Apartheid, appropriation, Desmond Tutu, history, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR), National Party (NP), Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee, Social Construction of Technology (SCOT), South Africa, transnational justice, truth adn reconciliation commission (TRC), UbuntuOn March 23, the Joyland Church in Likoni area of Mombasa County was brutally attacked by unknown gunmen and 6…
Kenya, Mombasa, security, terrorismBy Prof. Ton Dietz The Lakeview Hotel in Beijing is beautiful. Owned by the ‘number one university of China’, as…
African Studies Centre Leiden, Amsterdam University, Benjamin Soares, CODESIRA, International Development Cooperation, Mayke Kaag, Peking University, Prof. Ton Dietz, Sino-Dutch relationsThe annual Invisible Borders Road Trip embodies everything that this organisation is about: movement. The collective of artists from all…
art project, Bosnia, creative exchange, documentation, Emeka Okereke, global citizens, Invisible Boarders, painters, performance artists, photographers, Road Trip 2014, Sarajevo, TV crew, writersBy Tanja Hendriks Write it down but it doesn´t mean You´re not just telling stories These words are part of…
African Studies, change of perception, colonialism, exploitation, history, people, positions of power, power balance, power struggle, representation, reproduction, single story, stereotypes, Western WorldBy Fiona Dragstra An innovative way to do justice In December 2013, the Mozambican ‘Mobile Judge’ won the HiiL Innovating…
labour law, labour law enforcement, Miramar TV, Mobile Judge, mozambiqueNo word limitations and a free choice of topics. With our new academia section we want to extend the current…
Academia, academic hierarchy, eufrika academia, eufrika collective, free of charge, open source platformThe constitution was voted in during a period when belief in the status quo changing had lost all traction. Due to the…
Constitution, feminism, Tunisia, women's rightsDisunity within Tanzania’s ruling party could be a cause for frustration, but it could also lead to some positive soul-searching….
CCM, corruption, Kikwete, TanzaniaWhen I was a kid, my mother told me I would have to work harder in this life because I…
Privilege, RwandaIn a move aimed primarily at improving the image of Luanda, Angola’s capital and largest city, the government announced a…
Angola, Luanda, poverty, street vendors“African WebMuses” presents portraits of women that the AfricaHackTrip team met during their journey in November 2013. The following film…
AfricaHackTrip, IT, Kena, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, WebThis year due to the political unrest and difficult security situation in Mali, the 13th edition of the Festival au…
Berlin, Festival au Désert, Germany, MaliDer Film „Entwicklungshilflos?” entstand im Rahmen eines Projekttutoriums am Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit war…
Deutschland, Dokumentation, EntwicklungszusammenarbeitEin Barber-Salon in Harlem, ein interracial couple, ein Fernsehteam des US-Senders ABC. Eine neue Folge der Hidden-Camera Show „What Would…
Diskriminierung, Harlem, USA, Video, What would you doDear revisionists, Mandela will never, ever be your minstrel. Over the next few days you will try so, so hard…
Mandela, revisionistsOver the past few years the discussion about the traditional celebration of Sinterklaas in the Netherlands has increasingly become politicized….
Black Pete, blackfacing, Netherlands, racism, Sinterklaas, Zwarte PietL’un des procès les plus énigmatiques que l’Allemagne a connu depuis l’après-guerre, devra être réexaminé. Cet article est une chronologie…
Allemagne, francais, Oury Jalloh, Police, Sierra LeoneSammy Baloji verknüpft in seiner Fotoserie „Mémoire“ Schwarz-Weiß-Archivaufnahmen aus der belgischen Kolonialzeit mit aktuellen Fotografien der Minenstadt Lubumbashi in der…
Berlin, DRC, Mémoire, Photography, Sammy BalojiAm Sonntag, 29. September 2013 um 17:00 Uhr lädt AfricAvenir zur Deutschlandpremiere des Dokumentarfilms „Accused # 1: Nelson Mandela“ von…
Accused #1, Nelson Mandela, Pascale LamcheCommunities in Liberia’s Grand Bassa County have allegedly come under attack from state paramilitary forces who have been marauding through…
agriculture, Equatorial Palm Oil, Liberia, Palm Oil, SDIHow trustworthy are Africa’s gross domestic product figures? These all-important statistics have taken on a “dangerously misleading air of accuracy”,…
bookreview, Morten Jerven, numbers, statistic, WorldbankAfrican youth played a keyrole in the massprotests all over the continent the last few years. While they proofed to…
Alcinda Honwana, International African Institute, Lugard Lecture, Protest Movements, Waithood, Youth“Entführt, gequält, verkauft: Auf der ägyptischen Sinai-Halbinsel foltern Beduinen Flüchtlinge, um Lösegeld zu erpressen – von den Ärmsten der Armen….
Flüchtlinge, Fluchtrouten, Immigranten, Israel, Michael Obert, Sinai#Africa Hack Trip: Unter diesem Motto arbeitet eine Gruppe europäischer Entwickler und Designer (“a bunch of hackers”), die “neugierig auf…
Africa Hack Trip, Hacker, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda“A documentary on human rights, music + hope in West Africa. Sit back, enjoy, take action – and please –…
Documentary, Mali, Movie, Music, Sahel Calling, ScreeningWhat some see as “apartheid in reverse” The University of KwaZulu Natal’s recently announced language policy, which will require undergraduates…
Afrikaans, Bantu Education, bilingualism, controversy, English, isiZulu, language policy, South Africa, Soweto Uprising, University of Kwazulu Natal“In this video we discuss the current state of the trip and look for sponsors.” For more information on that…
Africa Hack Trip, DEMO Africa Conference, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, UgandaIm Vorfeld der Wahlen herrscht in Simbabwe die Angst vor erneuten Gewaltausbrüchen. Die hat es zuletzt 2008 gegeben. Doch diesmal…
Coalition Against Corruption, MDC, Movement for Democratic Change, Robert Mugabe, SADC, Simbabwe, Südafrika, Wahlen, ZANU-PFA small animation start-up in Lagos wants to bring back traditional African storytelling. Sporedust’s short cartoon Chicken Core will serve…
animation, chicken core, Lagos, Nigeria, SporedustIstanbul’s streets are characterized by a diverse atmosphere these days, ranging from violent clashes between protestors and anti-riot police forces…
Gezi, Istanbul, Photos, Protest, TaksimIt is noon and I am making my way from Beşiktaş in direction Gezi Park, Taksim Square. No bus is…
Democracy, Erdoğan, Istanbul, Protest, TurkeyIt’s March 2013 and Sierra Leone has just celebrated 11 years of peace following a horrific decade-long civil war that…
landgrabbing, Sierra LeoneThe expansion of renewable energies has severe consequences for countries like Liberia where necessary raw materials are exploited.
Liberia, logging, renewable energies, Silas Kpanan’Ayoung SiakorIn a report by the BBC News last year, Kenya’s permanent secretary for Information and Communication, Dr. Bitange Ndemo said…
Digital Africa, IT, Kenya, Moses Wasamu, TechnologyAs Albert Einsten once said “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”. The…
Boko Haram, Education, Nigeria, opinion, Patrick UtomiMalawi is a booming mobile telecommunications market. From about 300.000 subscribers a decade ago, the subscription has rapidly grown to…
Airtel, Malawi, Mobile, Technology, TNMA few years ago, a not-so-well-known but immensely talented rapper in Kibera wrote the following lines: Hakuna camera ina-face hii…
When event organisers published an advert for the event Occupy Parliament, nobody pictured pigs and teargas in the ‘peaceful demonstration’….
Kenya, Occupy Parliament, peaceful protests, pigs, teargas, TwitterWe all knew it. We saw this coming in Haiti and talked about it in Egypt, when 5 Ushahidi maps…
elections, Kenya, monitoringGreat news for William Kamwamba, the young man from Malawi who at 16 years old made a windmill in his…
Malawi remains one of the poor countries in the world with majority of the country’s population living below the poverty…
Most people know Malawi because of the famous Lake, which covers nearly a third of the country. But few know…
africa, athletes, Kandawire, LOCOG, MADISA, Malawi, Ministry of Sports, MPC, Pralympics, SportsSauti za Busara (which translates from Swahili as ‘Sounds of Wisdom’) is an annual music festival taking place on the…
Cheikh Lô, Khaira Arby, Mokoomba, Nathalie Natiembe, Sauti za Busara, Sousou & Maher Cissokho, Tanzania, ZanzibarLaut einer Pressemitteilung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs in Den Haag wird die Anklage gegen den Kenianier Francis Muthaura zurückgenommen. Muthaura ist…
Francis Muthaura, IStGH, Kenia, Mwai Kibaki, Uhuru KenyattaBy Nadia Lehmann & David Joakim Wedholm When Kenyans went to the polls on Monday they were accompanied by 99…
Kenya, Kenyatta, Kibaki, members of parliament, neck-and-neck race, presidential elections, senators, voter turnoutMoroccan energy expert Dr. El Mostafa Jamea questions the benefits of the large-scale project Desertec for the local communities. He emphasizes their concerns…
DESERTEC, European Union, Morocco, renewable energiesConsternation for women’s rights advocates in Kenya as a Supreme Court ruling disregards the new gender parity law ahead of…
elections, gender, Kenya, Seema ShahWarten im Wüstenwind. Kaum Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten. Trinkbares Wasser ist rar, die Essensrationen wurden zum Teil vor einem viertel Jahr eingestellt. Der…
Choucha, Libya, refugees, Tunesia, UNHCR, Voice of ChouchaUnder autoritharian rule Tunisia offered open spaces for feminist discourse and a tangible legal framework for women’s rights that were…
Ben Ali, feminism, gender, Tunisia, women's rightsThe continent is stereotyped as being violent and increasingly unstable, but a closer look suggests that conflict is declining, says…
africa, peace, Scott Straus, warWith the decline of the Eurozone, the staggering growth rates of many African countries come to the fore. But closely…
CFA, CFA franc, Euro, EurozoneUnder Hosni Mubarak’s rule football stadiums made for one of only a few places where Egyptians were relatively free to…
al-Ahly, Ben Kilb, Egypt, footballNach den 21 Todesurteilen für die mutmaßlichen Drahtzieher der Stadionkatastrophe von Port Said ist die Gewalt auf den Straßen Ägyptens…
Ahlawy, al-Ahly, Karim Adel, Port SaidThe African Union is at the conclusive stages of fashioning an African cabotage regime that will ensure that only vessels…
AU, cabotage, European Union, fishingSince the second anniversary of the “Friday of anger”, the day protestors first occupied Cairo’s Tahrir Square to denounce former…
Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, Amr Mussa, Egypt, El Baradei, Morsi, TahrirAutobiographische Ansichten eines Auslandsgermanisten Referent: Rev. Manuel Muranga ist Prof. für Germanistik an der Makerere University in Kampala sowie Principal…
Afrika Haus, Deutsch, Manuel Muranga, UgandaDer Politologe und Schriftsteller Hamed Abdel-Samad richtet sich in einem offenen Brief an Ägyptens Präsident Mursi. Vor dessen Deutschlandbesuch schreibt…
Egypt, Germany, Hamed Abdel-Samad, Merkel, MursiA new report examines gender inequality in Nigeria, but its narrow understanding of gender blinds it to wider problems and…
gender, Gender in Nigeria Report 2012: Improving the Lives of Girls and Women in Nigeria, Nigeria, UKAidOn this week’s Monday, the crème de la crème of Europe’s Agro business sector gathered together with several ministers and…
Africa Summit on Agriculture, Agro-business, Berlin, Burkina Faso, European Union, Kenya, Latitia Mukungu, micro-business, mozambique, South Sudan, Women Rabbit AssociationWondering why so little is happening on eufrika.org the last days? Well, behind the scenes we are diligently working on…
“We are a group of developers & designers from Europe, curious about the emerging African tech hubs. We decided to…
AfricaHackTrip, DEMO Africa Conference, Hacker, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, UgandaA severe division is splitting Egyptian society since the decree issued by President Morsi two weeks ago. While many deplore…
Cairo, decree, draft constitution, Egypt, El Baradei, Mohammed MorsiIn Egypt the assembly that was charged with crafting the county’s new constitution until January today hastily passed a draft,…
draft constitution, Egypt, Hossam El-Ghiryani, Morsi, ReferendumThe coup d’état against Mali’s democratically elected government in march this year following the slide of the country’s north into…
Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, military, Niger, Sahara, Sahel, security, Somalia, terrorismIt all started last Thursday when Egyptian president Mursi issued a decree that puts his decisions above legal challenge until…
demonstrations, Egypt, Mubarak, Mursi, ProtestWhile Victoire Ingabire faces imprisonment in Rwanda, her family remains exiled in the Netherlands. During the last two years of…
exile, Opposition, Raïssa Ujeneza, Rwanda, Victoire IngabireAs violence sparked what is since then commonly known as the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Victoire Ingabire left the country….
imprisonment, Opposition, Rwanda, trial, Victoire IngabireDaily urban life in Lilongwe, Balaka and Zomba, Malawi In its fifth episode the Eufrika Photo Report illustrates some street…
Balaka, Central region, Daily urban life, Lilongwe, Malawi, photo report, ZombaDaily urban life in Yaoundé, Cameroon Once more eufrika.org photographers throw a light on daily urban street scenes in Cameroon….
cameroon, Daily urban life, Episode 3, Eufrika Photo Report, YaoundéDaily urban life in Stellenbosch, South Africa, captured by eufrika.org photographer Roeland Hemsteede After its photo-series launch about daily urban…
Daily urban life in Nkongsamba and Bafoussam, Cameroon captured by eufrika.org photographers With this new Photo Report Series, eufrika.org extends…
Bafoussamphoto report, cameroon, Nkongsamba, urban daily lifeWeeks after president Morsi’s surprise move to establish democratic power in Egypt new tensions seem to arise in Cairo. Security…
Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, TahrirIn Äthiopien kommt es immer wieder zu Verhaftungen von Oppositionellen und Journalisten, denen terroristische Aktivitäten vorgeworfen werden. Unter dem Druck…
Abebe Belew, Abebe Gellaw, Abiye Teklemariam, Anti-Terrorgesetzgebung, Eskiner Nega, Ethiopia, European Union, Fasil Yenealem, Hailemariam Desalegn, Johan Persson, Martin Schibbye, Meles Zenawi, Mesfin Negash, Ogaden National Liberation Front, Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement, Oromo Peoples CongressEgypt’s new president Morsi has ordered the retirement of two of the country’s top generals - a surprise move that touches the…
Brotherhood, Cairo, Constitution, Egypt, Hussein Tantawi, Mohamed Morsi, Sami Anan, SinaiNach dem Sieg Michael Satas bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Sambia fürchten Beobachter einschneidende Veränderungen. Für Investoren aus dem Ausland besteht…
China, Michael Sata, Patriotic Front, Zambia, ZambiaEs ist genug für alle da, behaupten viele Experten. „Ein Fluss, zehn Länder, viele Probleme“ verkündet dagegen Die Zeit im…
anglo-ägyptischer Vertrag, Egypt, Landwirtschaft, Nil, Nile Basin Initiative, Staudamm, Stephan Roll, Sudan, Uganda, Wasser