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Posts by Category: Science
by Lorenzo Fioramonti In the past few years, there has been much talk about “Africa rising”. In late 2011, The…
Africa rising, economy, GDP, Lorenzo FiaoramontiVon Daniel Koßmann 1. Einführung Als der kenianische Autor Binyavanga Wainana im Januar dieses Jahres sich mutig entschloss im Alter…
Academia, Kenia, LGBTI-QBy Rafael Verbuyst When Nelson Mandela created a milestone piece of post-apartheid legislation by officially mandating the establishment of a…
African National Congress (ANC), Amnesty, Apartheid, appropriation, Desmond Tutu, history, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR), National Party (NP), Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee, Social Construction of Technology (SCOT), South Africa, transnational justice, truth adn reconciliation commission (TRC), UbuntuBy Tanja Hendriks Write it down but it doesn´t mean You´re not just telling stories These words are part of…
African Studies, change of perception, colonialism, exploitation, history, people, positions of power, power balance, power struggle, representation, reproduction, single story, stereotypes, Western WorldBy Fiona Dragstra An innovative way to do justice In December 2013, the Mozambican ‘Mobile Judge’ won the HiiL Innovating…
labour law, labour law enforcement, Miramar TV, Mobile Judge, mozambiqueNo word limitations and a free choice of topics. With our new academia section we want to extend the current…
Academia, academic hierarchy, eufrika academia, eufrika collective, free of charge, open source platformAfrican youth played a keyrole in the massprotests all over the continent the last few years. While they proofed to…
Alcinda Honwana, International African Institute, Lugard Lecture, Protest Movements, Waithood, YouthThe tuberous roots of the cassava plant are most suitable to help African farmers face climate change. This is the…
agriculture, cassava, CIAT, climate change, Nigeria, report