Celebrating Steps towards Continental Unity: Africa Day 2012

Friday 25th, May 2012 / 13:34 Written by

 To mark the international Africa Day on May 25th, information artist Ivan Colic, based in South Africa, has published a impressive map of Africa on Afrographiqe.

Afrographique: "Africa Independent"

Afrographique: "Africa Independent"

Africa Day is a public holiday in various african states that celebrates the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU / Organisation de l’Unité Africaine, OUA) on May 25th 1963 in Addis Abeba, the ethiopian capital.

The forming of a transnational organization like the OAU is considered as a important move towards political and economic unity. In 2002 the OAU led to the birth of the African Union (AU).

The annual commemoration is used as a trigger date for pan-african celebrations in african expat communities throughout the world.

In the unique and elaborate design Colic’s Afrographique is famous for, his infographic “Africa Independet” shows the whole continent with its steps into indepence, starting with Liberia in 1847 stretching all over decades of history until the so far latest case of south sudan in 2011.

See the original map on tumblr.com: “Afrographique – Africa Independent”

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About the author

Martin is a news professional, driven by enthusiasm for facts, opinions and the sharp line between them. In his daytime job he keeps both eyes on online news and human interaction within the world's societies, economic systems and organizations. Besides that he's working with eufrika.org to establish a free exchange of news and information between Europe and Africa.

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