Eingesperrt ohne Anklage: Journalismus in Eritrea

Monday 04th, July 2011 / 17:24 Written by

 In einer gemeinsamen Aktion haben 17 europäische Zeitungen auf das Schicksal des eritreisch-schwedischen Journalisten Dawit Isaak aufmerksam gemacht. Nach Angaben der Organisation für Pressefreiheit “Reporter ohne Grenzen” (ROG) sitzt Issak seit September 2001 ohne Anklage in Eritrea in Haft.

Zum offenen Brief an den Obersten Gerichtshof Eritreas:  ”Most respected Members of the Surpreme Court of Eritrea …

Zur Menschenrechtslage in Eritrea: “Amnesty International

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About the author

Martin is a news professional, driven by enthusiasm for facts, opinions and the sharp line between them. In his daytime job he keeps both eyes on online news and human interaction within the world's societies, economic systems and organizations. Besides that he's working with eufrika.org to establish a free exchange of news and information between Europe and Africa.

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