“Fachkräfte” wanted: Germany tries to open up and learn “Willkommenskultur”

Wednesday 06th, June 2012 / 19:30 Written by

 The biggest and currently strongest economy in europe fears a growing lack of qualified employees. To meet the demand and to secure the economic power, the german government has launched a campaign to promote the migration of experts to Germany. It is called "Fachkräfte-Offensive", and is combined with a special website to adress well trained foreigners.

Experts say, within a little more than a decade Germany will face a loss of 2.5 million skilled personnel of its workforce due to demographic reasons. This development is regarded as a large threat to the country's economic system and its wellfare.

With "Fachkräfte-Offensive", a package of arrangements aimes at the recruitment of skilled workers from abroad by private run companies. The website "make-it-in-germany.com" adresses foreigners and promotes a professional career in Germany. The campaign especially asks for personnel from eurozone-states like Spain, Italy and Portugal.

Greece in particular is not mentioned in official PR material - nor any country from europes southern neighbour states in Africa. Obviously, one of the biggest challenges for that campaign is hidden in xenophobic fears still rooting in some smaller parts of german society. The german government tries to tackle that obstacle by establishing a new german expression called "Willkommenskultur" - the cultural and social skill to open up towards foreigners.

Learn more about www.make-it-in-germany.com

Also see Netzwerk Migration in Europa: "Blue Card für Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten"

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About the author

Martin is a news professional, driven by enthusiasm for facts, opinions and the sharp line between them. In his daytime job he keeps both eyes on online news and human interaction within the world's societies, economic systems and organizations. Besides that he's working with eufrika.org to establish a free exchange of news and information between Europe and Africa.

View all articles by Martin Morcinek

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