Fierce fighting shakes the Great Lakes Region once more

Friday 18th, May 2012 / 17:19 Written by


Such as these refugee camps in the DRC, camps in neighboring Uganda are thousands of people's last resort, Copyright: UN Photo/Marie Frechon

Such as these refugee camps in the DRC, camps in neighboring Uganda are thousands of people's last resort, Copyright: UN Photo/Marie Frechon

Once more the Great Lakes Region is shaken by enormous clashes between rebel forces and official soldiers of the Congolese army. For days, the border region of the DRC and Uganda is the scene for heavy fighting. Meanwhile tens of thousands fled the war zone and seek refuge in neighboring Uganda. It remains to be hoped that the new clashes in the DRC’s forests will not push the region into another disastrous period of long-lasting warfare.

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Fields of work: Environment, Fisheries, History, Countries: Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Zimbabwe Part of since: January 2011

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