Greek Government Shuts Down State Broadcaster

Thursday 13th, June 2013 / 01:05 Written by


“We’re on air, the last little bit of air that’s left for us to breathe. We’re staying here all night, and beyond that, as long as it takes…”

With these words, journalists at the Greek state broadcaster ERT reacted on the notice that their offices had been shut down by the Greek government tonight, laying off all its 2,700 workers, on six hours’s notice, with no discussion and no vote in parliament. The staff of ERT in Athens and Thessaloniki refused to leave the buildings and managed to resume broadcasts via digital TV and the Internet. Maria Margaronis in The Nation knows more about “Killing the Messenger”.


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About the author

Marius Münstermann is based in Berlin where he works as a freelance journalist. Marius serves as editor-in-chief at

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