Heavy train crash shakes South Africa

Thursday 31st, January 2013 / 23:15 Written by


During the daily rush hour this morning, two passenger trains crashed heavily near South Africa’s Pretoria. More than 200 people have been injured. According to officials 19 are currently still in critical conditions.

The two trains were crashing into each other this morning just at the outside of a train station near South Africa’s capital city Pretoria. One of the trains drove into another waiting train. Both were packed with commuters, particularly children who were on their way to school. Rescue workers could finally get the conductor out of his driver’s cab.
Meanwhile, the company which is responsible for the passenger trains in South Africa, Prasa Rail, said stolen wire was the cause of the accident. The company’s CEO is quoted by a Suisse news platform stating that the company would not rule out the possibility of an act of sabotage. He was referring to the current strikes and suspects striking train workers to be responsible for the theft.

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About the author

Fields of work: Environment, Fisheries, History, Countries: Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Zimbabwe Part of eufrika.org since: January 2011

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