Joyce Banda in ‘Talk to Al Jazeera’ about the future of Malawi

Friday 29th, June 2012 / 00:14 Written by

 In an extensive interview with the news channel Al Jazeera, Malawi’s new Hon. President Joyce Banda talks about the future obstacles and opportunities of the south-east African nation.

Alan Fisher for Al Jazeera:

President Banda, thank you for talking to Al Jazeera. You are the President of one of the poorest countries in the world. You have a high infant mortality rate, the growing problem with HIV/AIDS. What keeps you awake at night?

Hon. Joyce Banda:

Malawians’ determination to see a better Malawi. So what keeps me awake is the fact that we are sure, and I am sure, that we shall do it. We shall reduce the maternal mortality rates and the child mortality rates… We are making progress. It’s tough, we are passing through a very difficult period of time but we realize that in order for us to get better, we need to get passed through that period.

It only needs to be hoped that the country’s new president can lead Malawians back to a prospering future because

… Malawians deserve better! Malawians deserve a better life!

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About the author

Fields of work: Environment, Fisheries, History, Countries: Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Zimbabwe Part of since: January 2011

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