Literaturtipp: The Granta Book of the African Short Story

Sunday 24th, July 2011 / 10:11 Written by


Nach dem Bestseller Granta Book of the American Short Story erscheint nun im September 2011 herausgegeben von Helon Habila ein Band mit 35 short stories afrikanischer Autor/innen.

The ‘post- nationalist’ writers in this collection are characterized by their engagement with the wider world and the opportunities offered by the internet, the end of apartheid and the end of civil wars and dictatorships. Their work is inspired by travel and exile. They are liberated, global and expansive. As Dambudzo Marechera wrote: “If you write for a particular nation, or tribe, then fuck you.” These are the stories of a new Africa: punchy, self-confident and defiant.”

- Vorschau Granta & Portobello Books 2011 -

Auch wenn die leicht klischeebeladene Ankündigung in der Vorschau zu irritieren vermag, darf man auf das Buch gespannt sein. Zu lesen gibt es Kurzgeschichten unter anderem von Ivan Vladislavic, Aminatta Forna, Petina Gappah, Henrietta Rose-Innes, Manuel Rui, Alex La Guma, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie und George Makana Clark.



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