Nigeria: Die Stärke militanter Islamisten und die frischen Waffen aus dem Norden

Monday 19th, September 2011 / 20:21 Written by

 In der Reihe “African Viewpoint” der BBC analysiert der nigerianische Autor Sola Odunfa die Rolle der islamistischen Gruppierung Boko Haram, das Versagen der staatlichen Anti-Terror-Bemühungen und die Risiken, die sich aus dem Umsturz in Libyen für das südliche Nachbarland Niger, Nigeria selbst und die gesamte Region ergeben könnten.

Hundreds of his loyalist fighters have fled to Niger with large quantities of arms and ammunition. That country sits on the entire length of Nigeria’s northern border.

Der Beitrag im Onlineangebot der BBC: “Why Nigeria’s Boko Haram is so bold

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Martin is a news professional, driven by enthusiasm for facts, opinions and the sharp line between them. In his daytime job he keeps both eyes on online news and human interaction within the world's societies, economic systems and organizations. Besides that he's working with to establish a free exchange of news and information between Europe and Africa.

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