Jeden dritten oder vierten Sonntag im Monat trifft sich die Spoken Word Szene der kenianischen Hauptstadt Nairobi zu “Street Poetry…
Becky Wairimu, conscious spoken words, domestic violence, Dorphan, Dorphanage, Häusliche Gewalt, Kenya, Le Chatelier, Nairobi, poetry, sexuelle Gewalt, spoken words, street poetryPosts by tag: Kenya
In the last ten years a vital spoken words scene developed in Kenya´s capital city Nairobi. The Kenyan media covers…
Art, Dorphan, Dorphanage, Hip Hop, Kenya, Music, Nairobi, spoken wordsDie Grenze zwischen Kenia und Somalia soll undurchlässig werden. Die kenianische Regierung möchte zukünftig Mitglieder der Terroristengruppe Al-Shabaab und sogenannte…
al-Shabaab, Daniel Koßmann, Flüchtlinge, Kenya, Mauerbau, refugees, security, Sicherheit, Somalia, terrorism, TerrorismusDie Tage zwischen dem 10. Februar und dem 14. Februar 1984 gelten als das schlimmste Menschenrechtsverbrechen in der Geschichte des…
Kenia, Kenya, Nordkenia, Northkenya, Somalis, Wagalla, Wagalla MassakerDas Buch “Sanaa Mtaani – Art in the City: Einblicke in die gegenwärtige Kunst Nairobis” von Philipp Günther, Stefanie Habben,…
Art in the City, Buchrezesion, Kenia, Kenya, Kunst, Kunstzene, Kuona Trust, Literatur, Literaturtipp, Nairobi, Ostafrika, Sanaa Mtaani, Sanaa Mtaani - Art in the CityThis is the irony of being Kenyan. That we call ourselves a nation fighting terror for the sake of national…
Betty Waitherero, discrimination, East-Africa, Ethnic Profiling, Gikomba Market blast, Incredible Kenya, Journalists for Justice, Jubilee regime, Kenya, Kenyan Somali, refugees, security, Somali, terroristsOn March 23, the Joyland Church in Likoni area of Mombasa County was brutally attacked by unknown gunmen and 6…
Kenya, Mombasa, security, terrorismDer kenianische Fotograf Mwangi Kirubi verkündete auf twitter, er liebe die Dokumentarfotografie und beweist diese Liebe durch die Bilder seiner…
agriculture, Art, Clicking with Purpose, Environment, Fotografie, horticulture, Kenia, Kenya, Kunst, Landwirtschaft, Mwangi Kirubi, Photography, Shooting Kenyan Farmers, UmweltIt has been a while since announced the countdown for AfricaHackTrip. Since then, the bunch of web designers and…
AfricaHackTrip, Barcamp, Hackathon, Internet, Kampala, Kenya, Nairobi, Outbox, SPECIAL: Digital Africa, Uganda, web designers, web programmersKofi Awoonor, the great poet, diplomat and academic, was killed in the Westgate Mall attacks in Nairobi on Saturday, September…
attack, Kenya, Kofi Awoonor, poet#Africa Hack Trip: Unter diesem Motto arbeitet eine Gruppe europäischer Entwickler und Designer (“a bunch of hackers”), die “neugierig auf…
Africa Hack Trip, Hacker, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda“In this video we discuss the current state of the trip and look for sponsors.” For more information on that…
Africa Hack Trip, DEMO Africa Conference, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, UgandaIn a report by the BBC News last year, Kenya’s permanent secretary for Information and Communication, Dr. Bitange Ndemo said…
Digital Africa, IT, Kenya, Moses Wasamu, TechnologyWhen event organisers published an advert for the event Occupy Parliament, nobody pictured pigs and teargas in the ‘peaceful demonstration’….
Kenya, Occupy Parliament, peaceful protests, pigs, teargas, TwitterWe all knew it. We saw this coming in Haiti and talked about it in Egypt, when 5 Ushahidi maps…
elections, Kenya, monitoringBy Nadia Lehmann & David Joakim Wedholm When Kenyans went to the polls on Monday they were accompanied by 99…
Kenya, Kenyatta, Kibaki, members of parliament, neck-and-neck race, presidential elections, senators, voter turnoutConsternation for women’s rights advocates in Kenya as a Supreme Court ruling disregards the new gender parity law ahead of…
elections, gender, Kenya, Seema ShahOn this week’s Monday, the crème de la crème of Europe’s Agro business sector gathered together with several ministers and…
Africa Summit on Agriculture, Agro-business, Berlin, Burkina Faso, European Union, Kenya, Latitia Mukungu, micro-business, mozambique, South Sudan, Women Rabbit Association“We are a group of developers & designers from Europe, curious about the emerging African tech hubs. We decided to…
AfricaHackTrip, DEMO Africa Conference, Hacker, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, UgandaA website that reveals corruption and other scandals among high-ranking Kenyan politicians has become one of the country’s most-visited addresses…
Boniface Mwangi, corruption, Kenya, MaVultureEasyJet founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou has announced to launch Africa’s first budget airline. FastJet’s “grey parrots” are due to expand from…
1time, Dar es Salaam, FastJet, Kenya, South Africa, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Tanzania, tourismDuring the past week observers could witness tremendous changes in the stability situation in the DR Congo’s North Kivu region….
Benjamin Mkapa, DRC, Frederick Chiluba, Goma, joint statement, Kampala, Kenya, Laurent Désiré Kabila, M23, military intervention, Monusco, North Kivu, Pasteur Bizimungu, Robert Mugabe, Rwanda, Sam Nujoma, Tanzania, Uganda, Yoweri MuseveniIt was a film presentation following this year’s Afrikamera motto African woman on and behind the screen. On Friday evening,…
Afrikamera, Algeria, Angèle Diabang Brener, Berlin, cameroon, Cécile Mulombe, DRCongo, France, Karin Albou, Kenya, Nadia Rais, Pascale Obolo, Senegal, short films, TunisiaAccording to the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), there had been a violent incident in the refugee camp Dadaab in the…
al-Shabaab, Dadaab refugee camp, Kenya, kidnapping, Norwegian refugee council, SomaliaOverfishing is a well known phenomenon we face all over the world. Whether salmon from the Atlantic,…
fingerlings, fisheries, fishing ban, Kenya, lake Naivasha, Ministry of Fisheries Development, restocking, TilapiaLake Victoria, located in the East African Rift Valley, is one of the oldest lakes in the world and…
East African Rift Valley, European Union, fishing, food stock, illegal fishing methods, IUU-Fishing, Kenya, Lake Victoria, Lake Victoria Basin, LVEMP, Nile Perch, population growth, Smart Fish, Tanzania, Tilapia, UgandaLast Wednesday thousands of Kenyan public health care workers decided to end their 2 week strike after a meeting with…
Alfred Mutua, Kenya, Kenya Civil Servants Union, Kenya Union of Nurses, Khang'ati, MP Fred Outa, Nairobi, nurses, Parliamentary Committee on Health, public health sector, Raila Odinga, Robert Monda, sacking, Seth Sindano, StrikeOn March 8 2009, Hsu Chin Tai, captain of the fishing vessel MV TAWARIQ and Zhao Hanquing and Hsu Sheng…
Exclusive Economic Zone, High Court, IUU-Fishing, John Magufuli, joint patrol, Kenya, mozambique, MV TAWARIQ, SADC, South Africa, TanzaniaUganda and Burundi will support Kenya in its current military intervention in neighbouring Somalia against the militant group of al-Shabaab….
al-Shabaab, AU, Burundi, Kenya, Kibaki, military, Museveni, Nkurunziza, Sierra Leone, Somalia, terrorism, UgandaA few weeks after Kenya’s teacher had gone on strike its University colleagues have simulated them, reports Kenyan online news…
Education, Kenya, Strike, universityIn Kenya the Certificate of Primary Educations exams, also called Standard eight, are beginning today on November 8th. Approximately 680,000…
Education, Kenya, Standard eightThe Eritrean government has rejected reports by Kenyan army which got the country into trouble evoking it’s renewed accusation of…
al-Shabaab, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jon Abbink, Kenya, Mogadishu, proxy war, Somalia, UN, weaponsKenyan troops have been in their first skirmish with militant groups in Somalia since crossing the border two weeks ago…
al-Shabab, battle, Kenya, Somalia, troopsDie kenianische Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Wangari Muta Maathai ist im Alter von 71 Jahren nach einer Krebserkrankung in einem Krankenhaus in Nairobi…
Green Belt Movement, Kenia, Kenya, Wangari MaathaiSeit Anfang der Woche befinden sich Kenias Lehrer im Streik berichtet AfricaNews. Sie fordern von der Regierung die Einstellung von…
Education, Education, Kenia, Kenya, Streik, StrikeBundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel will den drei afrikanischen Staaten Kenia, Angola und Nigeria im Rahmen einer Rundreise vom 11. bis 14….
Afrika-Reise, Angela Merkel, Angola, deutsch-afrikanische Beziehungen, Dirk Niebel, ECOWAS, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Germany, Germany, James Victor Gbeho, Kenia, Kenya, Nigeria, Raila OdingaIm Vorfeld der im kommenden Jahr anstehenden Wahlen in Kenia hat das deutsche Bundesministerium für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (BMZ) die Bedeutung freier…
Africa Review, BMZ, Germany, Germany, Global Media Forum, Hans-Jürgen Beerfeltz, Joshua Arap Sang, Kenia, Kenya, Mwai Kibeki