Two African countries among the most censored around the globe

Wednesday 02nd, May 2012 / 15:12 Written by

 The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) released a report in which it gives an update on current press restrictions all over the world. It appears that the State of Eritrea and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are among the ten most censored countries in the world.

The State of Eritrea is stated to be the country with most press censorship. Access for foreign journalists is prohibited in Eritrea and most of the national media corporations are controlled by the state.

The report further ranks the Republic of Equatorial Guinea on the fifth rank of the most censored countries. As in Eritrea, the media is mainly controlled by the government, which does not allow an independently working free press.  In the beginning of this year, the country was still hosting the 2012 African Cup of Nations, one of the world’s most important international football competitions.

Joel Simon, CPJ’s director said after the publication:

In the name of stability or development, these regimes suppress independent reporting, amplify propaganda and use technology to control rather than empower their own citizens… Journalists are seen as a threat and often pay a high price for their reporting… But because the internet and trade have made information global, domestic censorship affects people everywhere.

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Fields of work: Environment, Fisheries, History, Countries: Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Zimbabwe Part of since: January 2011

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